As I mentioned, I actually saw one the other day. But "freedom fries" swept the country briefly in 2003, mostly in Red states, rural areas, and Congress' dining rooms. draft card burning, flag burning: you could count the total number of incidents on two hands. : But did it actually happen? I'm thinking of "bra-burning", the symbolic act everybody associates with late 1960s feminism - an iconic event which never actually happened. : : 3600 (and counting) dead soliers later, "freedom fries"? Vive la France. How dare they question the wisdom and leadership of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the Neocon geniuses? The French, if I remember correctly, thought the weapons inspectors needed more time, that there may not have been weapons of mass destruction, that preemptive war was a dengerous precedent, that a hestily-planned invasion would open a can of worms, etc. Apparently, a small but small-minded percentage of Americans still resent the French for their resistance to the invasion of Iraq. : : I actually ran across "freedom fries" on a menu recently.
#Explain freedom fries archive#
: : : Almost 5000 hits in Google News Archive

They changed the menus in the House of Representatives cafeteria.
#Explain freedom fries tv#
: : : You should have read a newspaper or watched TV in 2003, there were a few weeks back then when people talked of little else. : : : : I'm an American from NY, and if anyone ever avoided things French or speaking the word French, *I* certainly never heard about it! And I'd never heard of "freedom fries" before now, either. Many people there adopted a distaste for even speaking the word French, which resulted in the renaming of french fries (which all right-minded people in any case know are called chips) as freedom fries."

: : : : "In America of course the souring of governmental relations over the disagreement in policy regarding the second Gulf War was the root cause of a virtual boycott in the USA of all things French. On the one hand, a healthy amount of irony exists in the form of the following questions posed: What about freedom. If you perform a search for freedom fries on the Internet, you find an enormous variety of things. : : : : The phrase I was looking up was "Tout de suite," but I found an interesting notation on that page: This action was not met with unanimous approval or disapproval: sentiments were mixed.

and philosophers who pursue the ever shifting meaning of the word. In Reply to: Freedom fries posted by Victoria S Dennis on July 14, 2007 Freedom, we believe, is one of the human minds most slippery thoughts, the ambiguity.